Have you ever stopped to think about ‘touch’? Me neither. At least, not until the last few days. It is only as I try not to touch my face and wash my hands that I have started thinking about how much I do touch my face and how many surfaces have my finger prints on them: door handles, fridge handles, kettle handles, taps, books, phone, computer, cutlery, plates, mugs, bag handles, TV remote, chip and pin pads, pens and stationary - the list is endless! Then there are those more relational touches, when I hold my wife’s hand or pick up my children for a cuddle or to gently clean the latest skinned knee. It is difficult to imagine having to go without these touches for a few hours, let alone days or weeks! What would it be like if you couldn’t touch anything? What would it be like if you couldn’t touch anyone ? In Jesus’ day, no one would dare to touch a leper. It may still be like that in some parts of the world today. As well as the fear of infection there was a social stigm...