
Showing posts from September 27, 2020

Anyone for a bowl of Marrow (Controversy) Soup? ET meets the EMW.

Have you ever watched as two good friends, a husband and a wife, or a pastor and his elders fall out? Perhaps you love and appreciate both and don’t want to take sides, even when you can see that one party is clearly right. It is a painful position to be in and you fear that, when all is said and done, nobody will come out stronger and everyone will have wounds to lick. That is how I felt reading an article in the Evangelical Times (ET) this month, entitled “ Concerns raised over LGBT and racism seminars at Aber Conference ”, which brings together a number of my friends and pitches them against each other. I can’t say that I agree at every point with any of these friends but at a fundamental level I believe we are all on the same page when it comes to our Christian core: Salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.  Firstly, I have always considered ET a friend. I have often appreciated articles in the paper and they have published one or two things which I have