
Showing posts from September 19, 2020

A Warning for Conspiracy Theorists with Some Outrageously Good news for Pedophiles Satanists

Over the past few months I have been increasingly concerned about the number of conspiracy theories being shared by professing Christians on social media. An opinion piece in the New York Times this week suggests that I am not the only Christian to feel this way. It focused on an anonymous individual who posts far-right conspiracies under the pen-name ‘QAnon’. His theories, draw on populist end-times narratives to appeal to conservative-minded American evangelicals. He claims that the left-wing Democratic political establishment is controlled by a pedophile satanist cult, hell-bent on destroying the hero in a Republican white hat, President Donald Trump. A few thoughts from the Bible: In the ninth commandment God specifically outlaws giving false witness. Whatever evils other people may have committed, it is sin in you that moves you to blame them for sins that they have not committed. It is sin in you that moves you to accuse them of sins without witness or evidence. It is sin in ...