
Showing posts from April 7, 2020

Jesus: The Weeping Prophet of Doom

There is nothing quite like a global pandemic to bring out the conspiracy theorists and ‘prophets of doom’! I’m sure you have seen them too. No internet discussion forum is complete without the guy who is wearing a virtual ‘end is nigh’ sandwich board. They are not all promoting religious beliefs. Some people wear ‘climate-change’ sandwich boards. Then there are the 'police-are-communist-power-grabbers’ sandwich boards. But there are a fair few Christian ‘end-of-the-world’ voices out there too. Whilst I do not agree with the apocalyptic vision that many of these voices are proclaiming I recognize that the views are held sincerely. Maybe they are right, maybe not. Who knows? It is not my intention to argue with them but on this Tuesday of ‘Holy Week’ I do want to ask them a simple question: Are you weeping? Let me explain why I am asking this. If you follow the Bible narrative closely you will see that it was either the Monday or Tuesday after Palm...