Quarantine Quick Reads - Russian Roulette?
We are getting used to seeing the statistics. Of the people who get ill most will have relatively mild symptoms, some worse, a few will need to go to hospital. It will only prove to be fatal for a minority most of whom will have an underlying vulnerability because of age or pre-existing health conditions. There are, however, a number of young, fit, seemingly healthy people who have succumbed to the disease without being in any of the high-risk categories. So is it all just a roll of the dice? Is it a game of Russian roulette - every time you go to the shops to buy milk you take the chance, not knowing if, perhaps, there is a viral bullet in the chamber. In a sense, this is all that the theory of evolution offers people - survival of the fittest with the odd chance that sometimes the fittest will die too. In stark contrast, according to the Bible, life is not a game of odds. Rather, it is a gift from God: “God himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. A...